Monday, June 3, 2013

Tchefuncte River

We camped on the Tchefuncte River in Madisonville as a teenager and had great times.  The State park has changed a lot in 45 years but then so have I.  But the memories are still there. 
This is the lighthouse that has been there since 1834.

this is my sketch

I combined several photos to get the lighthouse I remembered as a kid.
The last 10 years has been quite a journey for me.   Major ups and major downs but I always manage to reinvent myself it just took longer to do this time (that's what age does I guess).  But I am back  this time taking photos of my own back yard so to speak.  Along with that I am doing watercolor sketch's of several of them.   I am enjoying traveling down memory lane.   Its fun to go back to places of your childhood and see if its the way you remember it. 

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Gray Day on the Oregon Coast

Gray Day on the Oregon

Gray days seem to depress most people but not me. They do tend to slow me down a little and I usually need that. I find Gray Days calming and relaxing. I love to take pictures on gray days because I am not fighting with the sun about lighting issues. Also on days that are gray It seems that the tranquility boosts my imagination. Now don't get me wrong I love the sunshine to. But I tend to think I have to get things done right away when the sun is shining. Also I think I am afraid I am going to miss something when the sun is shining. I have found that I am more creative early in the morning and on gray days. O well just my theory.

My friend Dawn makes beautiful jewelry that remind me of the ocean. Check out her latest bracelet that's full of the wonderful things the ocean has to offer. I keep hinting about this one. So If you want it you better hurry cause I have an anniversary coming up.
This photograph is avaliable as a postcard or a print by contacting me directly or through my etsy store at
Also please leave comment letting me know what you think of my site.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


In the week that I was on the Oregon coast the weather was a dreary gray. Its ok because I can usually gets some pretty good pictures on those days. But it was starting to get a little boring being all gray, rainy and chilly. As I rounded the next bend in the road I found these pert little yellow flowers waving to me. These yellow wild flowers were just to fun to pass them by. Their bright yellow petals against a pretty blue sky just sets a mood for a fun day. I am not sure of their name but the mountains were just covered with them. As I rode down the rode and saw these bright flowers standing tall I just new the sun was coming out and it would be a great day.

Why not brighten someones otherwise dull day by sending them a link to my site or one of my greeting cards .

I have greeting cards and prints of these bright flowers available at

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


A storm was moving in as I traveled Interstate 5. The colors were changing so fast that it was an almost surreal feeling and look.
Of course the sky was at its best in front of a barn. I do think that these old barns are calling me. I alwas manage to come across them wen conditions are right for a good picture

Having traveled a lot in the infamous tornado alley, you can guest what I was thinking. Now storms don't scare me but I respect them. I some times think that I should have been a storm hunter cause I am drawn to them like a magnet. (doesn't make my mother happy) During the last couple of Hurricanes I got some pretty intersting pictures.

This photo was taken in Oregon on Interstate 5. South of Cottage Grove.

Monday, September 15, 2008

How Many Colors Can You Count

This photo of Mother Nature showing off new fall color line reminds me of my elementry school teacher showing us a picture and asking How many colors can you find. Of course in this picture there is no answer because the shades change constantly
When I was in elementary school I had a teacher that would show us a picture and ask how many colors can you count. Well she of course wanted the basic colors but when I look at a picture scene like this I see plenty of greens and reds and browns and yellows so many in fact that there is no way that I can count them unless of course I take a picture and let the computer do that for me. According to my computer the number of colors is 517,550 but then whose counting. While I did not know to appreciate her then. I really appreciate her now. She gave me the ability to see, really see, but the sad part is I am not sure she even knew that she did. But that's Education for you, we all take what we need when we need it. Thank you to all of my teachers.

This photograph was taken on the Natchez Trace in the fall of 2007

Friday, September 12, 2008

Old Weathered Oregon Barn

I have a passion about old barns. When I passed this one I just had to take a picture of it. Its as if they call me because I end up taking some of the strangest routes only to find out the is an old barn there.
This one was just off the coast road in Oregon I really could not tell you how to find it I was just driving and saw a little road and just a little way down that road sat this old weatherd barn.

I have greeting cards and prints of this great old barn available at